Saturday 9 August 2014

#BLAUGUST - Day 9 - Phone Fail

Hello dear readers, 

So after previously assuring you that today's post was going to be about Atlanta - part 4/4 of my America trip - it didn't really work out as my phone is going slightly bonkers and won't let me text; save, take, or delete photos. And now it won't let me upload them to a blog post. Sigh. 

This is probably my fault, as dear phone is evidently giving in to its long battle with me about how much storage I've used up - I have nearly 5000 photos... Whoops. 

So I'm sorry that today's post is simultaneously both a failure and practically non-existent (certainly in interest terms!) but tomorrow, if I get the time, I'll try to upload most of my photos to the computer and attempt to delete them from there. All I can do for now is hope that it will work! 

Apologies again, 

The very (not so) happy blogger 

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