Tuesday 26 August 2014

#BLAUGUST - Day 26 - Marché Madness

Hello dear readers, 

So I had an exciting morning today at the local Lorgues marché, where there were so many people which was really surprising actually (I guess in Britain not so many people turn up to a small village market!) but not surprising in some ways because the market was amazing and had such a big variety and gah (long sentence exhaustion). 

Here are some photos: 

Les tomates (edited version on Instagram!) 

Les legumes, aka yum - although temperamental sometimes, refer to #blaugust post number 8 for an embarrassing story regarding that! 

I loved the look of the prickly ones in the middle (if anyone knows what they're called please tell me below!) 

Lorgues is so pretty and has so much character - it's just the look which I completely associate with the south of France & Provence. 

As well as vegetables, there were also clothes, jewellery, sweets, hand-made tablecloths and many other food items at the market - if you ever have a chance to go to one, please do. 

I dread to think how long this will take to post with bad wifi!! 

Sorry about how my posts aren't great at the moment - it's just I've got a plan for future ones which I'm saving up till September, so please just hold tight for that! 

The very (satisfied as bought some exciting clothes which hopefully no one else will have at school as it's always a crisis when you wear the same clothes as someone else and) happy blogger 🇫🇷

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