Sunday 17 August 2014

#BLAUGUST - Day 17 - Such Fun

Hello dear readers, 

Today I had a great day - my accomplishments include (actually, they only really consist of) not wrecking the house whilst home alone and watching a whole series and a half of Miranda. This is my favourite TV programme - but you may be unfortunate  enough to have never heard of it if you don't live in the UK - in which case, I am deeply sorry unto you *sob*. 

If you fit into aforementioned category: it's basically a comedy programme about a 30-something (she calls it 'late twenties'!) year-old Miranda (Miranda Hart) and how she copes with the struggles of running a joke/gift shop underneath her flat, having a comparably miniscule best friend called Stevie who takes unusual pleasure in imitating Heather Small, a 'just a friend' called Gary whose chef nature keeps her cake and general (free too - how handy) food needs fulfilled, and who she happens to be irrevocably in love with, and last but not least, an eccentric, posh mother whose life mission is to find her daughter a husband - and she doesn't even care who, where, or how... Just as long as it's in time for her next elite social engagement so she doesn't have to quiver with embarrassment about her daughter's shamefully single status.

It all sounds like a pretty good premise for a television show, doesn't it?! Well, I think it's brilliant. It features regular, now well-loved phrases from the mother such as "such fun!", "what I call..." and the 'weekly laugh' - based, invariably, on a pop song. It's just pure, silly fun and I love it. If you've never watched 
an episode, and are in a position where you can (it's a BBC show if that helps you find it!), please, please, give it a go - if you're a fan of classic slapstick, complete with much falling over, fart jokes, and plenty of galloping, then this may be perfect for you. 

Just a suggestion... Not really. I am hereby thereby therefore henceforth forcing you to watch it. No pressure or anything... 


The very (what I call) happy blogger

Ps: today I made a new twitter account, but specifically for this blog - it would be lovely if you could check it out and maybe even give it a follow!

Ps2: hahaha that spells out play station 2 hahaha

PS3: even better! *Miranda chuckle*


What I meant to say was that this is my 50th post. Much celebration!

Ps4: ooh so up to date ... Hehe

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