Friday 29 August 2014

#BLAUGUST - Day 29 - So Much Is Happening

Hello dear readers,

I'm sorry, this isn't going to be a long 'un - just a quick update on life!! (By the way, I never ask how you all are, so please comment how you're feeling etc in the comments below. 

We're leaving tomorrow morning; so I've spent the latter part of today packing and tidying up - I never knew how much I could spread out my belongings in a building... We're driving farther north and staying in a more mountainous part of France; then we fly home on Sunday evening.

This morning wasn't too great for me - I won't go into details; we all have bad days - and last night wasn't fabulous either, especially not in terms of sleep. Ah well. 

By the way, the two dogs who were with us last night apparently did stay there, but when my aunt and uncle went out early this morning I think they thought that we were all leaving them, so by the time the rest of us had got up, they'd gone. It's such a shame - I hope they've been OK (it was slightly cooler today so that's good for them); especially as Athena's owner did turn up this morning to pick them up, and I had to explain in my not-so-good-as-who-remembers-education-during-summer French that they'd disappeared. Hopefully they'll find their own way home... 

Anyway, I hope that (if you're British and have similar holiday times to me) you're having a great last few days of summer, and if you're already back at school/work, I hope that's not too bad either. 

Thanks for reading, 

The very (panicky as might have forgotten to pack something and) happy blogger

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