Monday 11 August 2014

#BLAUGUST - Day 11 - Mark My Words (My Secret Obsession)

Hello dear readers, 

I'm sure that it's more than apparent to you by now that I have an inherent, ardent, and intrinsic (great triad of vocab there) love of literature. So what better accompaniment to a good book than a good bookmark? It makes sense. But, in some cases, the love of the humble bookmark can become slightly obsessive... Cases such as, well, me. 

Feast your eyes on a mere selection of my wide collection (unintentional but now much appreciated rhyme) - the hoard which I finally re-discovered today, after having forgotten where I put it for most of this year...

The collection was begun by my (paternal) grandfather, who unfortunately died when I was four. So from a young age, when I was given his already substantial stash of predominantly leather bookmarks, I became determined to carry on the tradition. 

Due to my mum's love of National Trust properties (old houses - interesting ones) I've spent half my childhood traipsing around their gift shops; one of my only consolations has been receiving a (normally) leather bookmark commemorating my trip to that particular house, so to any onlooker I must seem to be an antique property obsessive who finds pleasure in purchasing as many illustrated bookmarks as possible; even factoring in the previous visits and purchases so as not to have too many of one colour (sad or what)...

And now, dear reader, please (you don't have to), take pleasure in viewing some of my favourites from the collection: 

A really intricate and pretty lace one which I never knew I had, and a tribal beaded one which we got in South Africa (2009)

A bookmark fit for a queen! *many chuckles* 

Need I say more... It's perfect <3

I also, oddly enough, have a One Direction one (I'm sure you'll be devastated to learn that I didn't take a photo of that one) which was spontaneously handed out at school in English, of all lessons, a couple of years ago to spread the word about their new album (at the time: Up All Night), as though they were a minuscule indie/alternative band that nobody had ever heard of. Hmmm...

Moving on, here's a real cutie (to be honest I'd feel bad about squishing him between heavy pages - I don't want to suffocate an adorable, fluffy giraffe, even if it is only a bookmark) 

So, I hope you enjoyed that insight into my very eccentric world (bear in mind also that I have more: books which have been on-the-go for a while each have a bookmark in, which weren't featured in these photos). I really need to start actually using all of them, as all I do at the moment is keep using the same one (a purple Glyndebourne one, if you're interested... Nope, didn't think you would be). 

Thanks very much indeed for reading, 

The very (weirdly proud of myself, but very proud of my grandpa and) happy blogger 📚📖 

Ps: hope you appreciated my attempted witty title, complete with exciting message in brackets to draw you in... (I really need to get out more)

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