Monday 30 June 2014

Tracks on tracks

Hello dear readers, 

I'm currently on a train listening to music (hence punny post title if I say so myself!) and headed to London for work experience. I live about an hour's journey from the big city, which makes it perfect for a day trip, which is nice. But today I had to get up early - which goes against all my fundamental teenage instincts. 

I love watching people on trains - what they're doing, their habits. My valiant efforts to not make this sound creepy are clearly failing me, I know. 

My point is that I really like trains. How everyone is each on the way to go somewhere, to do something, but we're all travelling together. Aww. 

I know that my blog posts are a bit (um this may be the understatement of the century um) irregular, but how about I try to make it up to you by doing a post every day this week (or at least, the work days)? Just to record my week in a publishing company and my little observations of people and things, etc. Let's see how this goes! 

Thanks for reading, 

The (very sleepy and) happy blogger 

Saturday 28 June 2014

It's About Time that I posted something

Hello dear readers, 

Unlike my (unfortunately) normal apology, I'm going to make this one short. You may notice that the name of this post is kind of weird in grammar - I mean, being part of the grammar police it was torture for me to include two random capital letters in a phrase - but it's supposed to be a pun. 

Today, I watched About Time for the second time (I watched it first on Valentines day - by myself!) If you haven't seen this film, I really urge you to watch it because I simply think that it's beautiful. 

Granted, some may find it too cheesy at points, but cheesiness aside, it's not that smelly at all. It has a really strong moral about making the most of every day, which has really inspired me both times I've watched it now. It makes you think about how things you worry about, like how England didn't get far in the World Cup, or how you fell over at work today before your big meeting, or how you have a huge spot on your nose which will ruin tomorrow's party for you, actually, in the long run, don't matter at all. So what does matter? How about how the pavement shines when it's been raining, or how a dog is eternally happy to see its family in the morning, or how there are people in the world who care about you. 

Basically, what I'm saying is: life is short. It could be shorter than you plan it to be, or it could be seemingly long but wasted with trivial worries and frowns. So make the most of the little things, and be happy. It's definitely hard sometimes, but often something you're worrying about now (there must be something!) won't even matter in a week or two. 

So when you next wake up in the morning, wake up smiling. Wake up thinking that today will be a good day. Because there's never a day when skipping down the train platform or breaking into dance in the middle of a restaurant isn't okay. It's your life, so you might as well make it a good one. 

The main character in About Time talks about his extraordinary ordinary life, and believe me, the rest of us don't need to be able to travel in time to make ours pretty extraordinary too. 

Thanks for reading,

The (very emotional and) happy blogger