Saturday 16 August 2014

#BLAUGUST - Day 16 - Topshop & UO Haul

Hello dear readers, 

I did tell you previously that I'd make a post about what I bought whilst shopping on my birthday, so here it is! I went into Guildford and accidentally-on-purpose wandered into Topshop and Urban Outfitters, which, as it happens, are opposite each other in the shopping centre - so I couldn't resist paying them both a visit - just out of courtesy, of course...

First stop: Urban Outfitters 

(By the way, I apologise in advance about the bad photo quality)


I picked out this top as I loved its coral colour, and thought the robin pattern adorable. 

I also got these two mini skirts from UO: one is black velvet *cue song* with sailor-esque popper buttons down the middle, and the other is floaty and navy blue. 

Next stop: Topshop

My mum actually insisted that I get this dress: it has a soft cotton top grey part, a black waistband, and    (again!) a floaty skirt (but this time it's white). When I bought all of these clothes, I was thinking of the next two years, as at my school, we don't need to wear uniform anymore when we go into the Sixth Form, but our clothes still have to be fairly smart - so with everything I buy now, I have to picture wearing it with a blazer! 

I love the intricate lace patterns on this top - every section is different. I imagine this would look good with a white bandeau bra (probably lacey too) underneath - not at school though!! (Think that much flesh showing would be pushing it a bit) 

Incidentally, my aunt also bought this top - we're the same dress size! 

OK, so I've seen in her instagrams that Beyoncé has been wearing these types of tops a lot recently, and I admit with no shame whatsoever that that did kind of influence my choice in buying it (ie, queen B has a top like this, I must therefore purchase it)... Um... To my own defence, it's a nice pink colour... 

Ps the flowers are a flower crown - me trying to be more artistic with my photography 

As this thin jumper (could it be called a jumper?) is long-sleeved, I obviously intend for it to be worn later in the year (I hope that the classic British weather will hold out and make that the case anyway!) 

It's really soft, and I like grey clothes for some reason... But it is very cropped, so my plan is to buy a pair of skinny, high-waisted black trousers nearer the time - anyone know a good shop to buy them in?

This is another classic Topshop top - the cami. It's got scalloped edges, and the colour is a subdued, but lovely blue (the camera doesn't do it justice).

So there you have it! There are the results of my birthday haul - some of these were bought by me; some by my family as presents. All I can say is, sorry bank account... I won't be shopping again for a while!

Hope you enjoyed this - it's a new type of post for me, but I quite enjoyed doing it. Please let me know what you think in the comments. 

Thanks for reading, 

The very (satisfied and) happy blogger 👗🎽

Ps: I fulfilled Topshop's name by getting only tops there... Haha, get it?! Sorry.

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