Friday 22 August 2014

#BLAUGUST - Day 22 - My Favourite Place

Hello dear readers, 

So tomorrow I leave to go to France with the whole of my family, and I'm already feeling nostalgic and home sick! Also I'm sort of sad about the fact that we can't bring our dog Brownie with us (aka my bestest pal)... I sound so not adventurous I know, whoopsies - this isn't normally the case - but I'm having a sentimental moment, please bare with! Therefore I'm going to share some photos of the woods near to where I live: 

Isn't it beautiful?! 

I'm half sharing these photos to show you, and half because they make me remember where home is, and why I really love it. 

I can get pretty homesick when I'm away - this can definitely be increased if I listen to 'I vow to thee my country'... #patrioticorwhat

Do any of you know what I'm talking about? I mean, it's great to travel, to explore, and to be away for a bit, but I love having a base - somewhere stable and comfortable; the favourite place to be - home. 

After all, there's no place like it (well said Dorothy).

Leaving you with that little message, I thank you very much for reading. 

The very (excited but hesitant as can't bring dog aka favourite being with me so slightly sad as know I shall miss him and) happy blogger 

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