Monday 25 August 2014

#BLAUGUST - Day 25 - Travel Bucket List

Hello dear readers, 

So I'm currently on holiday, and I really love and appreciate the fact that I am, but whilst I was sunbathing earlier, I got thinking (dangerous, I know). I thought that this is a great trip so far, but where else would I like to visit? 

So, here's my little list: 

1. Hawaii (specifically: Maui and the amazing waterfall there, and the Kauai Waimea Canyon - I've been researching I know - bit desperate I am)

2. To be honest, just the Caribbean in general would be great! 

3. South America - definitely Brazil - I'd love love LOVE to traipse through the Amazon Rainforest (despite the bugs) and try to help stop deforestation (it's such a massive problem there) and see all the amazing animals in their natural habitats πŸ’

4. Africa, just Africa... *romantic sigh*

5. New Zealand - the scenery looks amazing

I'd also like to go to Indonesia, Nepal, China, India, Cambodia, Japan, Iceland, the Antarctic (the list goes on)... So you see I have a problem! (I haven't even been to Scotland or Ireland which is so shocking)

But really, I'm sure everyone just wants to visit as many places as possible, and personally I'd love to explore every corner of the earth, but that may be a little tricky! 

Where would you like to visit (and why)? Please comment below!

Thanks for reading, 

The very (wishful/hopeful and) happy blogger 🌍🌎🌏

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