Wednesday 27 August 2014

#BLAUGUST - Day 27 - Eyebrow Evolution

Hello dear readers, 

So earlier today (ps we had a powercut for the whole of last night which was both exciting and annoying) I was plucking my eyebrows (please bare with, this has a point) and I started thinking about how much they've changed over the years, and how that's fundamentally been all my fault, and sometimes not in a good way! 

My eyebrows used to be, well, an eyebrow - I inherited my monobrow from my dad. Then, probably about this time of year but in 2011, I decided that I wanted to make them a bit neater. Not knowing how to do this - all I knew was that I wanted nice eyebrows 'like all the models had' (always a big mistake, please don't follow this phrase for any part of your body) and so I took to hand the first sharp thing I could think of, a razor - next mistake. 

Anyway, my eyebrows went from a reasonable neat line, to the shortest, tiniest little slug-like things perching on my forehead. So bad. 

Essentially, my message here is: please be happy with your body and all its eccentricities, even if you really don't like them, as you're perfect how you are, and if your tampering with that thing goes wrong, then it's so clear to everyone, especially you, and you'll wish you'd never done it. 

Here's a picture from when my brows started to grow back, a little while after I'd had an emotional chat with my mum and she'd told me pretty much all of the above. Mothers are always fab for advice!

I hid the razor away and let my brows grow back, then my mum bought me a great Model's Own pair of tweezers, and they've been fine ever since. 

Sorry I can't do this now as lack of time, but if you want, I could do a post on how to pluck them and shape them in the future? I'd be happy too, as it would have saved me more than a year of stress if I'd seen something like that at the time! 

Thank you for reading, 

The (very) happy blogger

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