Sunday 12 January 2014

Sherlock, carpets, and pure happiness

Hello dear readers, 

As I'm sure you've noticed, my post titles are starting to make the posts themselves quite self-explanatory! 
Today, we had an unexpected call from the vet to say that we could pick Brownie up earlier, as she said he was so ready to go back home he wouldn't even let them put him back in his kennel, which was amazing news. 

So, there we were, standing in the middle of a carpet shop with an assistant who had a magnificently lurid pink suit, and we had to restrain ourselves from producing a three-person flash mob right there and then. Happily, the assistant with the odd dress sense shared our passion about springer spaniels, and we proceeded to have a great chat about them for about 10 minutes, which nearly resulted in us forgetting to pay (which my dad would have been actually very happy about, considering the enormous bill from the vets). 

We then popped quickly into Homebase (furniture, appliance, etc shop if you're not a Brit) - yep, you guessed it, I'm getting my room redecorated! (Don't you worry, it will have its very own post soon I'm sure) The person who served us was a fairly good looking young man, and, as my deductive skills sneakily (not really) read his signature on a piece of paper, I naturally proceeded (second use of that word - my English teacher would be proud) to Facebook stalk him as soon as I got in the car. You know, just as a teenage girl protocol. Unfortunately, he has a girlfriend, so that's where that stalking session ended. (Don't worry, I'm not really a psychopathic stalker - just a bored teenage female who needed something to do...) 

Next, we collected Browns (nickname) from the vets and I think I caught a glimpse of a tear in one of the vet's eyes... They really grew to love him. Despite his habit of eating underwear which subsequently landed him in dog hospital for a week with us not sleeping or resting at all - nope, he's an angel (I joke - I do really love him, he's like the brother I never had). 

 ^there he is, with his least favourite new thing: the inflatable collar to stop him attacking his stomach stitches. It doesn't even stop him and irritates him immensely - I'm so tempted to take it off, it serves no purpose whatsoever. 

The next big part of the day was Sherlock. If you haven't discovered this programme, then (to quote one of my previous posts) I debate your hidden ability to live under a rock! (Don't worry if you haven't - although I do demand you go on iPlayer or get the box set and watch it right now) 

It was an amazing episode, but I won't give any spoilers to those of you who haven't watched it yet. All I will say is this: trust the people on tumblr to have already designed those t-shirts - hopefully they'll become a fashion statement in the next twelve hours or so. (If you did watch you'll understand - ha ha, another incentive to have a look if you haven't already!!)

So, I am therefore currently suffering from post-end-of-Sherlock-series-shock, which has happened twice before. 

And that's where this post comes to an end. Thank you so much for reading, 

The (very, very - although maybe not when it comes to yet another Sherlock series ending) happy blogger xxxxx

Ps: Don't get caught up in that East wind, whatever you do... (Although my dog and I want that blue collar to maybe go down that route)

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