Monday 13 January 2014

My current read

Hello dear readers, 

I have a feeling that we should all accept that this is going to be a pretty short and dull post because of a number of reasons: 
 1. I feel like I don't have much to talk about at the moment (well I do, but those  posts will take quite a bit of preparation and I don't have that time at 11:30 at night)
 2. Nothing much happened today
 3. Today is a Monday 
 4. Need I say more...

But what I will quickly chat about is this book I'm reading, "An abundance of Katherines" by John Green. I've already read "The fault in our stars" and "Looking for Alaska", so this seemed like the next JG book on the list. I've only read a few pages (can't tell you exactly how many because my damn bookmark fell out and I can't find it anywhere amidst the chaos of room redecoration - literally, everything is disappearing, help) but those pages I have read are great (Sorry, it's late, the more interesting adjectives seem to have deserted me).

I won't go too much into the plot, because I don't want to spoil it - even though I'm basically a newbie to it as well! In a nutshell, it's about a very unlucky guy called Colin Singleton (ironically named - very good, JG) and his bestie fo lyf, Hassan Harbish. Colin gets dumped by his 19th girlfriend called Katherine, has a bit of a life crisis and re-evaluation and decides to go on a road trip with the aforementioned best friend. And so the two courageous young men embark on a treacherous journey, (getting a bit poetic, oh my) and that's about where I've got to! 

But yes, please do pick it up next time you see it at a bookshop, because it's got just the right amount of humour, irony and just darn good writing from our ever trustworthy JG (came up with that oh-so-inventive nickname myself, how original) - it's definitely worth a read. I have to say, my favourite two bits are how Colin (narrative voice) leaves notes and reference numbers at the bottom of some pages, and how he has a quirky favourite hobby (anagrams) just as Miles has one in L for A (sorry, too tired to write it out, or indeed copy and paste - and FYI, his hobby is learning people's last words). 

And that's where this post ends! If you haven't read this book, or, God forbid, any John Green books, I plead with you to change your ways - you won't regret it!

If you liked this post, do share it or whatever one does (still don't get google plus). And if you want me to do more book reviews (I do love my books) please say so in the comments, I'd love to hear from you lovely ones! 

Thanks for reading, 

The (very tired and) happy blogger xxxxx

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