Saturday 11 January 2014

A little happiness every day

Hello dear readers, 

Last year, a friend of mine did the thing where you put all of your good memories of the year on little slips of paper and put them in a jar as they happen, so that on New Year's Day, she spent the evening reading through all of them. It really made her feel positive and ready for a new year, as badly cheesy as that sounds.

I've started a similar thing this year, although it's slightly different: ie, I don't have an empty jar to hand and the pages involved are stuck together. Yep, you guessed it (bravo if you actually did) - I'm writing only the good memories of each day into a little notepad, so that when I'm down, and/or nearing the end of the year, I can look through only the happy memories - because surely they're the only ones worth keeping. 

Recently, I've been having a bit of a hard time due to my dog (aka my brother, best friend, favourite living organism) not being well and has been at the vets since Tuesday morning. I won't go into too much detail now - I may make a post soon explaining more if you're all interested. 

But all in all, even reading through only the few days that have happened so far this year, I feel much better. 

Thanks for reading, many hugs,

The (slightly more) happy blogger xxxxx

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