Sunday 12 January 2014

Creme eggs, friendly vets and fish & chips

Hello dear readers, 

(My phone autocorrected 'dear' to 'dead' there - that's not so good!)

So, I'm sure you can tell by the title of this what my day mainly consisted of... This morning I had to leap out of bed and get ready all in the space of ten minutes (all of you teens out there will understand the difficulty of this) to go and see my dog at the vets. Happily, he's a lot better now and we all feel way more cheery than we did yesterday. 

After that, I realised that I hadn't eaten anything, which was horrifying considering breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. So, at 1:30pm, I had my first piece of food for the day: a creme egg! (First one of the year - always a momentous occasion) 

Then, we popped into town to get a few things before my mum and I's sudden urge for fish and chips had to be satisfied. 

We spent the rest of the day eating in front of the tv, watching films and The Voice... Not a bad day! 

Hopefully our dog (Brownie) can come he tomorrow, which would literally be amazing. 

Hope you liked this post, it's a bit different to my normal ones, but I just felt like doing a quick life update! 

Thanks for reading, many hugs

The (much more) happy blogger xxxxxx

^what a beautiful sight 

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