Friday 6 December 2013

The Countdown to Christmas

So, if you aren't aware, (in which case I could start to debate your ability to live under a rock) it's nearly Christmas. But do you know what that means? It's still NEARLY Christmas, not actually Christmas. This period is always a frustrating one for me, and (I'm sure) many others, mainly because school work still exists, everyone is ill, and it's dark and cold, but still not Christmas.
     Now, don't go mistaking me for a Grinch - I adore Christmas, and certainly the later run-up to it, but this little bit before, say, the 13th of December is just exhausting.

Last week I went for a stroll around town and saw these Christmas lights:
Sorry they're a bit blurry, I was trying to avoid looking really touristy taking a photo of lights with my phone...
    Anyway, so the lights and pretty shop windows excited me.

   But ANOTHER thing (believe me, I'm not normally this ranty - sorry) that frustrates me about this time of year is the weather. I admit, I love wrapping up in cosy fur coats, scarfs, hats; all that jazz, but when you're shopping, you're cosy as soon as you enter a shop and BAM, you're boiling. To stop the inevitable, embarrassing perspiration you of course take off your coat, and do the awkward coat-draped-over-the-arm thing whilst trying to balance everything else you're holding. If you're awkward like me, this makes you panic that you'll run into someone or something will surprise you and you'll drop everything and be embarrassed and run out of the shop without paying for anything and nearly get arrested. Sometimes it's hard being a teenager.
    Then, when you leave the shop, it's TOO COLD and you have to awkwardly balance everything else or put it all on the ground (at the risk of, I don't know, a  winter buffalo attacking it) and put your coat back on. Then the whole process repeats again with every darn shop you go to.

Well, yes, that is my rant for today on some of the things I dislike about the run-up to Christmas, and this time of year in general.

I have to say it, but I'm new here, so if you took the time to very generously read this then I love you and want to give you a hug (all that is mentioned in my description too - what wondrous planning ahead!). Also, any feedback or advice would be greatly appreciated, because I'm sure you're all far more experienced in the art of blogging than me, and I would be honoured to read your beautifully typed words (getting a bit poetic - shows I'm tired).

Hmm, I really should think of a better way to end this. Ah well, I'll find one hopefully. Until next time, much love xxx

The Very Happy Blogger

ps: Just realised my blogger name is kind of ironic considering the fact that I just did a rant. I promise to not make every post a rant in the future! (I pinky promise you, if you're into that kind of thing)


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