Saturday 7 December 2013

Dennis, Maurice and Brian

So, the title of this post refers not to my numerous secret husbands (whoops, not so secret anymore...), but instead to the best friends, ie, reindeer I met today when we got the Christmas tree. I took a ridiculous amount of photos, but here are my favourites:
Dennis, whom every single one of these photos is of, because his antlers (no offence to the others) were the most impressive.

Dennis and Maurice (foreground)

The observant of you would have noticed that Brian doesn't actually feature in any of the photos (sorry Brian) because I think his antlers are still developing. Next year, Brian, next year.
If you're wondering, yes I did come up with the names. I thought Dennis was naturally an impressive name, so the big one gets that as a title....
We did actually get a tree, it's not like we spent all our time looking at reindeer! But I'll put photos and jargon about that in the next post.
Thanks for reading lovely ones, much love
The (very) happy blogger xxx

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