Tuesday 17 December 2013

My Bucket List

So, as the title of this post so helpfully suggests, I have a bucket list.
But rather than bore you all with endless text, I thought I'd switch it up a bit and use illustrations (on Paint - so they're not fantastic, ie, now is not the best time to admit that I am actually doing an art GCSE):

Hoping that you've recovered from how awful those drawings were, I'll just...um... stop now. 

Thanks for reading! Sorry this was so random and short, but you have no idea how long it takes to draw an inaccurate stickman on Paint... Much love and hugs,

The (weirdly proud of herself) happy blogger xxxx

PS: If you had absolutely no idea how to decipher these illustrations (I don't blame you), they are: (in order, because I feel oddly organised for once) 1. Climbing a mountain of some sort, maybe start with Snowdon, then Ben Nevis, then maybe even go onto Kilimanjaro or possibly Everest if I'm feeling especially reckless; 2. Skydiving  - let's take a moment to appreciate the attempted perspective with that plane; 3. To see the Northern Lights (I looked at lots of pictures of this for inspiration for my wondrous artwork, and in the process I've made myself even more depressed about it and desperate to go, whoopsies).

PPS: I changed my theme! Great joy all around!

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