Saturday 29 March 2014

Friendly reminder

Hello dear readers, 

I broke up from school today! This would be a really YAY moment if it wasn't for the fact that I have to revise over Easter for my GCSEs, which isn't so YAY. But YAY for going to Russia next week - I'm so excited!!!!

Another thing: sorry this post is late.. I've been incessantly busy and tired this week, which is never a good mix. 

So, for anyone who feels a similar way currently, I have a little message for you. I found these wonderful words on tumblr, and I think they just sum up everything anyone ever needs to know/ think. 

I'll sign off now - many hugs 

The (exhausted and) happy blogger xxxx

And now, dear readers, you can fully take in the beauty of this text post (creds and cudos to the amazing author, whoever they may be):

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