Wednesday 25 May 2016

New Blog!

Hello dear readers,

Well, after nearly a year and a half's absence, I am back! But I'm afraid my return won't be prolonged: it's merely to tell you all about my brand new venture.

I've just created a shiny new blog on, and it currently doesn't have much of a direction (or any posts for that matter), but I'd really appreciate it if you could have a look and maybe keep checking up on it for when a post does finally arrive (note my tone of confident certainty)...

I'm excited about what the future holds with this blog; watch this space (although hopefully the 'space' will be full of little joyful planetary posts soon! *chortle*)! So all that's left to do is copy the link to the new blog, and bid adieu to this one. Thank you veryhappyblog, you've served me well; thank you also to the readers who stuck with me through all my apologetic posts and creativity lapses - you're the best!

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